It’s the beginning of a new year, of a new decade, and for me, January is the beginning of my next year of life – or in easier terms, it’s my birth month. January brings forth all the New Years resolutions, the best laid plans, you know how it works. I’m a 49 year old mother, wife, nature lover, horse crazy, purple obsessed photographer. I’m a work in progress.
Folks, we like to put a lot of pressure on ourselves when the earth finishes its trip around the sun. Lose weight, exercise more, save money, make more money, fall in love; the to-do lists are endless. It’s stressful and puts pressure on us, then we end up with a feeling of failure say, for example, when we don’t hit the gym every single day. I don’t know about you, but putting that pressure on myself, and then dealing with the guilt when I don’t hit my target causes me anxiety, sleepless nights and disappointment in myself.
Now don’t get me wrong. I do use the beginning of the new year as a milestone marker; what I don’t do is hold myself to unattainable goals. Instead, I take stock of where I am in life, who I am, where I want to go, and how I want to get there. I am rebuilding my business as a photographer in Alberta, recently going back to what I love full time.
It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. I’ve spent many hours examining why this is where I’m being led. I discovered that my intent wasn’t financially motivated, rather it’s the unrelenting need I have to create images and capture history for me, my family, my clients. Once I discovered that being a photographer was, for me, about service of others, I got better at my craft. I’m still learning, still growing, and believe that should never stop.
On a daily basis I practice gratitude, and that’s really not always so easy. For instance, what on earth could I possibly be grateful for on the day I lost my Dad. Well, he wasn’t suffering any more. Second, he beat cancer, and went on his own terms with a heart attack, which is what he wished for. I miss him, but I’m grateful that he’s at peace. Sometimes, gratitude isn’t easy, but it helps. It’s a beacon of light when you’re surrounded by the dark. I’m still mad, again, it’s a work in progress. I can still be grateful while I work through the sorrow and anger.
Here are the cornerstones of my practices for 2020, I believe they will help me grow, as a compassionate, thoughtful, authentic human being first, and as a photographer as I grow my craft in the service of others. I hope they’ll help you too.
Family first – make time. Those kids are out the door before you know it.
Drink water.
Live spiritually. Ask God, the universe for what you want. He’s listening. Ask.
Forgiveness. Forgive those who’ve hurt you, it’s the only way to let go of the pain. More importantly, and harder – forgive yourself, you deserve it.
Look for joyful moments. Even on the darkest days, especially on the dark days.
Practice gratitude. It becomes a mindset, and with a positive mindset, nothing is unachievable.
Drink MORE water.
Choose one word, or a phrase and say it daily. Make it yours. My word for this year is SUCCESS. Comment below with yours!
I have a scripture that is my mantra, Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all Thine Heart, and Lead not on your own understanding.
I take so much inspiration from the amazing people that I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with in life. Please take a moment to visit my friend Tash Haynes’ blog on goal setting (or not!) Here
I’m grateful that you’re here, and hope that you’ll flip back to my post on looking for those everyday miracles in life that we tend to overlook. I promise, you have a red truck, look for it Here
Lastly, if you like me π and / or my work – I appreciate your support, find my daily gratitude posts on Facebook. I’m also on Instagram with plenty of photos and quirky stories and highlights.
Drop me a comment below on how you’re looking forward to the new year, or the new decade. If I’ve inspired you, please reach out, I’m a click or call away, and I love to know that I’ve touched your heart in some small way, it’s why I put myself out there.
Follow along for inspiration, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and updates on my latest projects. Let's stay connected on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and lets ignite our creative spirit together. See you in the magical world of photography! β¨πΈπ« Be sure to check the blog weekly to see your story!
Located just outside of Edmonton, Alberta and serving Camrose, Tofield, Sherwood Park, Red Deer, the Rockies and beyond, Carla Lehman Photography is a nationally accredited professional photographer providing full-service luxury photography for portraits, personal brands and entrepreneurs, equine and pet lovers.
Carla Lehman Photographer is a premiere provider of graduation and senior portraits and a top personal branding visual photographer in Alberta.
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